Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cannon Beach, Oregon: On a Perfect Morning

Beverly and I drove to the coast on a random Saturday recently only knowing their COULD be sun and there MIGHT not be howling winds and there was LITTLE chance of it dumping buckets of rain on us. As luck and nature would have it though we showed up to pleasant coastal splendor Oregon is just not typically known to have in store for visitors. Granted, the surf was flat. FLAT. So this old surfer was a tad grumpy. Otherwise though, perfect. I drove Beverly to the south end of Cannon Beach and we found the beach had changed a lot since we visited last. Seems a late Spring/early Summer storm had deposited an extra six feet of sand along the south shore, which also created a large inlet where the water managed to enter at the base of the smaller monolith along the south beach. Not only that but the winds and light rains created amazing ridges on the beach surface. While it wasn't surfers paradise, it was certainly photographers paradise. We spent the better part of an hour working all over the sandbar until our coffee filled bladders demanded we shift our attentions elsewhere. Still, I can't recall walking away with more quality beach scenery than I shot in that hour.

Sometimes you stumble across nature at its finest. As Galen Rowell, one of my all time favorite photographers, used to say, "f8 and be there".

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