Thursday, January 12, 2012

Motion of the Ocean

Thought I'd upload an image I was playing with last night. In it's color state it's a rather cool image. The sand golden yellow, the water has a rather dark hue even on a brightly lit day. It had potential. I'm really not sure why I had to make it a darker, more contrasty, maybe a little more sinister image. Maybe I'm in a dark mood? Maybe I like the contrast between the water and the sand? I'm not sure at this point. What made me even take the time to play with this image though was the motion, the movement from, in my perspective, left to right. The dark water and the dark hill all flow together in a funnel towards the monolith and then pour right out the side of the image.

I cropped it from it's original ratio since there was a lot of sky in the image that wasn't doing much for it. Now I'm not so sure.

Finally, the heavy contrast and lack of detail in the shadows reminds me of film days of the past, where in broad daylight that detail was sacrificed for properly exposed images. Plus, the monolith certainly seems more intimidating in its darkened state. Cool. 

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