Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm ready to step up, which imaging program should I buy?

I'm getting a very regular question these days. It's a question that excites me and frustrates me all at the same time. I'm excited because the question means friends and acquaintances are not only enjoying photography but they are also realizing they have a friend who might know a thing or two about the subject. So why does it frustrate me? Despite my experience, despite my recommendations, they are still going to go out and purchase Photoshop, get ridiculously frustrated, and then begin to enjoy their new newfound hobby less and less. And then they feel like I'm not doing my part in teaching them everything I know in two questions or less. I do try, I swear!

Please keep in mind that I've been a Photoshop user for 16 years, the skills I am able to utilize in MY images has come from a long, challenging learning curve. I'm always happy to help friends with advise and with an edit or two, but lately I feel like I'm just being taken advantage of with freebie image modifications: So take the advice I'm about to give or just learn to take better pictures that don't require editing, that part is up to you.

That said, the question I'm hearing on a regular basis these days is...

I'm ready to step up to the next level, what application should I buy? 

For anyone reading my above grumpy rant and the following question, "the next level" refers to any level above whatever free app came with your system. Could be iPhoto, could be MS Photo, doesn't matter. The person asking the question wants to do more with their images than red eye reduction and using the magical Enhance button. Good on ya!

The Next Level

Not surprisingly, the next level is NOT Adobe Photoshop. It's not even Photoshop Elements, the dumbed down version of Photoshop. In fact, stay away from Adobe. Adobe's level and THE NEXT LEVEL don't even exist on the same planet.

The software you want to buy is... On One Software Perfect Photo Suite.

On One Software is not only the next level, it's a wonderful collection of photo tools that not only make photo editing a lot of fun, the learning curve is practically nonexistent. Plus, the suite of tools can be very affordably purchased individually, most for $99 a package.

If you're going to buy individual packages, my recommendation is to start with Perfect Effects 3. It's a very fun application that allows you to apply global "enhancements" to your images that really can instantly spice them up in a click or two. Plus, you can layer effects on top of one another to utilize many enhancements over the same image.

Next on the list of individual packages is Photoframe 4.6 Pro. This package has hundreds of cutting edge photo "frames" to surround your latest works of art with hip frame effects. There's not much more to the package than that, but the scalable frames are incredibly well done and I've seen many beginners really enjoy what a bitchin frame can do for their image.

The last package I'm recommending tonight is Perfect Portrait 1. This photo tool is all about skin tones, beautiful eyes, and sparking teeth. Portrait work is seriously difficult stuff in Photoshop and takes a long time for newbies. Perfect Portrait 1 though does much of that heavy lifting for you in mere seconds. Believe me, in the skin tone and blemish arena, it's well worth it to use an application that does the nitty gritty work and leaves your sanity and free time in the evening intact.

OK, that's my recommendation for THE NEXT LEVEL. More flexibility and power than the free stuff you got with your PC but not the end all, all frustrating app that is Photoshop. Plus, the entire photo suite package above is still LESS THAN HALF of a version of Photoshop. 

Full disclosure: The links above go to Amazon and if, God willing, you make a purchase, I get a very, very, very small commission. If you prefer to skip the links and buy from the source then please go to ononesoftware.com where you can purchase and download the entire photo suite. 

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